Albion online: Idea for Guild Vs Guild Warfare
Guild Size
How guild size impacts how you play should be scalable. This means a larger guild just has more of the same thing, not access to more content. This scaling can be introduced in the form of Influence.
Guilds gain 1 Influence per member. Multiple members from the same account (alts) do not increase Influence.
Influence is used to attack and hold territory. You need the available influence to initiate an attack, at which point that influence is locked until the attack is finished. This means how many simultaneous attacks you can perform are limited by your influence.
These can vary in size and efficiency. Territory size and efficiency need albion silver. Larger Territory requires more influence and the zone determines the efficiency. Red Zone territories are less efficient than their Black Zone counterparts, meaning they cost more influence for what they are.
For example, a Red Zone Small Territory might require 20 Influence; however, the same Territory in a Black Zone would only require 10. This makes Red Zone territory less desirable to larger guilds looking to maximize their Territory capacity, but a 20-man guild might find this ideal.
Territory can be used as Influence when declaring an attack on another Territory. This allows a guild to fight for an “Upgrade”. If you own a 20-Influence Territory and have 10 Influence remaining, you can attack a 30-Influence Territory by using both the available 10 and the 20-Influence Territory. If you claim the new Territory, the 20-Influence Territory is lost and up for grabs by other guilds.
As described in the possible new system there will be Nodes with structures that can be captured. The size of the Territory will determine how many of these structures are available for capture and the Influence of the Territory will determine the diminishing returns of attacking forces.
While attacking or defending a Territory the zone grants a combat buff to both sides granting 100% combat effectiveness against the enemy. However, for each additional guild member in the combat zone above the Influence Value of the territory, this buff loses 10% effectiveness.
e.g. A 30-Influence Territory:
1-30 members – 100% Combat Effectiveness
31 members – 90% Combat Effectiveness
32 members – 81% Combat Effectiveness
33 members – 73% Combat Effectiveness
50 members – 12% Combat Effectiveness
This means it becomes very detrimental to commit more combatants than the Territory Influence suggests. Combat Influence directly impacts your damage and your capture time for Nodes. Alliance members will not incur the combat penalty, but will count towards the buff values. This means Alliance members, while remaining competent fighters, will seriously slow any capture attempt while being unable to aid in capture themselves.
A guild can only attempt to capture one Node in a Territory every 24 hours. Once captured, it cannot be re-taken by the defenders for 48 hours. This presents the following combat scenarios:
Small Territory – 2 Nodes
Node 1 is Captured by the Attackers – Protected for 48 Hours
Node 2 is attacked 24 Hours later by Attackers – Successfully Defended
Node 2 is attacked again 24 Hours later – Successfully Defended
Node 1 is also Re-Captured by Defenders
Node 1 is Captured by the Attackers – Protected for 48 Hours
Node 2 is Captured 24 Hours later by Attackers – Protected 48 Hours
Attackers own all Nodes and can attack the Territory – Total time of initial attack, 48 Hours
Medium Territory – 3 Nodes
Node 1 is Captured by the Attackers – Protected for 48 Hours
Node 2 is Captured 24 Hours later by Attackers – Protected 48 Hours
Node 1 is Attacked by Defenders 24 Hours later – Successfully Defended by Attackers
Node 3 is Captured by the Attackers – Protected 48 Hours
Attackers own all Nodes and can attack the Territory – Total time of initial attack, 72 Hours
Multiple parties who have declared war can attempt to take Nodes, but must own all the Nodes to attack the Territory. Defenders can also only Attack one Node in the Territory every 24 hours, the same as the Attackers. The 48 Hour protection allows for an initial advance with larger territories being harder to maintain Node control of during an attack. The defenders would then have the added advantage of simply winning the Territory 5v5 while an Attacker controls all Nodes and wasting their opportunity.
Larger Black Zone Territories could cost upwards of 200 Influence to encourage large-scale PvP. These larger Territories could even use smaller surrounding Territories as their “Nodes”, making their Attack and Defence more intricate.
If you own a Territory and your guild loses members to the point where you cannot afford the territory, you will not lose the territory, but any defending members class as 2 members when it comes to the Combat Effectiveness buff, essentially crippling your defence until your Influence is balanced (either by gaining members or losing territory).
More guide in UPAlbion.